Natal Chart Generators
Beautiful, clear, and simple free Natal Birth Charts. They do natal, synastry, transits, and composite charts. I appreciate how this site lists out aspects in words and highlights some overall chart patterns. Amazing for beginners since it is not overwhelming and is easy to use.
The holy grail. Generates every chart in the book and allows you to create an account to save an unlimited number of charts for free. You can use this site to also look at transits, dominant planets/signs, asteroids within your Chart. The website can be overwhelming and confusing for a beginner, and you will have to memorize symbols for the signs, planet glyphs, and aspects to be able to read the charts with ease.
APPS for your Phone!
I recommend this app for beginners getting started on their Chart. Sanctuary describes and breaks down your chart in an easy-to-understand way. They also help you learn the basics of Astrology! The app is so convenient, straightforward, and is easy on the eyes. The app is designed to be easy to learn from, which is why it has become my favorite to recommend to first-time astrology students.
If you are serious about Astrology, I highly recommend this App. I personally feel that purchasing the full version is worth it and you only need to buy once. There is also an option for a free version available that is still amazing and will describe your placements and your house placements to you. This App includes daily horoscopes, transit charts, synastry charts, progressed charts, solar progressions, allows you to save an unlimited amount of birth charts, and the ability to sort them into categories. The settings are fully customizable to your preference, you can choose your preferred house system, aspect orbs, and/or any asteroid positions. If you purchase the full version, this app functions just as well as a computer program and offers many different options that is perfect for any astrologer on the go!
Personal Astrological Ephemeris
Custom-made planner and ephemeris with transit data specific to the owner’s natal chart. Makes analyzing the planetary correlations on a day-to-day basis super easy! This book is fully customizable to your preferences, and I suggest using it for your Saturn Return year or any notable important years in your life.
Book Recommendations!
Astrology for Yourself by Douglas Bloch and Demetra George
Parker’s Astrology by Julia and Derek Parker
Madame Clairvoyant’s Guide to the Stars by Claire Comstock Gay
Astrology, Psychology, and the Four Elements by Stephen Arroyo
The Twelve Houses by Howard Sasportas
The Art of Chart Interpretation by Tracy Marks
Astrological Transits: The beginner’s guide by April Elliot Kent
Astrology for the Soul by Jan Spiller
Soul Astrology by Ruth Hadikin
The Inner Sky by Steven Forrest
Elements Book Series by Steven Forrest
Recommended Resources
Excellent for the basics and descriptions of the planets, signs, and placements. Straightforward, clear, and concise. Great for getting started.
From the basics to vocabulary, and understanding the foundations, this is the most thorough online guide resource to learning Astrology that I have found. Great if you are a serious student looking to dive deep.
One-stop-shop for Aspects and Transits; every transit and aspect you can think of is here and it is written clearly and in detail.
Astrology website for compatibility and sex. Tips on understanding and how to read Love, Romance, Dating, and Sex in your Natal Chart.
Nodes by Sign & House has compiled a collection of interpretations of the Moon's North Node and South Node through all 12 houses. Find yours here!
Gives you instant access to ebooks, audiobooks, articles, podcasts, sheet music, and documents — all in one simple digital subscription of 9.99 dollars a month! If you read as much as I do, this subscription will save you money! Their collection includes Astrology books and has all of the books that I have recommended & more!
These recommendations are my own and I do not receive any commission for these affiliate links.